Sunday, September 16, 2012

I will update!

So amazed by her smile... Two month update:

Everything seems to be okay except for the umbilical hernia, which sucks of course. You can actually press on her belly button and hear insides swoosh. The docs told us to wait and see if it closes on its own. They say its normal like everything else. I'm surprised by how everything is considered normal. jaundice, normal... cradle cap, normal... hernias normal... SMHThe nights are filled with cries which we try to solve by feeding, changing, swinging, or dancing...
Although she sleeps longer these days, we (mostly Helen) still wake up around 1am, 2am or even 3am to change and feed.

I've been real lazy with updating, I'm in the works in creating a new vid and will upload real soon. NO EXCUSES!!

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